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Pa Legion Baseball (2025)


Is there a 10 run rule in Legion baseball? ›

All State, Regional and World Series games are seven (7) innings. 10-Run mercy rule after five innings of play or 4 ½ innings if the home team has the lead. 6. All games shall be played in accordance with National Rule 1 of the American Legion Baseball Rulebook.

What is the PA Legion bat rule? ›

WOOD BATS MUST BE USED. BATS MUST MEET THE SPECIFICATIONS LISTED IN RULE 1.10a-c OF THE “OFFICIAL RULES OF MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL.”. (a) The bat shall be a smooth, round stick not more than 2.61 inches in diameter at the thickest part and not more than 42 inches in length.

Is there a mercy rule in Legion baseball? ›

2 . During the regular season, the department committee may allow senior teams to play seven-inning or nine-inning games with a 10- run mercy rule after five innings of play or 4½ innings if the home team has the last at-bat .

What is the American Legion Code of Sportsmanship? ›

I will: Keep the rules; Keep Faith with my teammates; Keep my temper; Keep myself fit; Keep a Stout heart in defeat; Keep my pride under control in victory; Keep a sound soul, A clean mind, and ahealthy body.

Is there a pitch count in Legion baseball? ›

FAQ: Legion Baseball's new pitch count rule

The rule puts a daily limit on pitchers of 105 pitches in the senior and in the junior program. A pitcher may finish pitching to a batter should the limit be reached in the middle of a plate appearance.

What is the rule for a balk in the Legion? ›

A balk occurs when a pitcher makes an illegal motion on the mound that the umpire deems to be deceitful to the runner(s). As a result, any men on base are awarded the next base, and the pitch (if it was thrown in the first place) is waved off for a dead ball.

What bat is illegal in baseball? ›

Metal bats are only allowed through college, and some adult leagues, and they have to have the BBCOR stamp to be used. Professional ball and some adult leagues require the bats to be wood. At the pro level, the wood has to be made from a single piece of wood, no composite wood bats.

What does .50 mean on a baseball bat? ›

BBCOR stands for Batted Ball Coefficient of Restitution, and like BPF, it's a measure of how much pop a bat has. BBCOR-certified bats must have less than a . 50 BBCOR rating, which means if a ball was thrown at 100 MPH against a stationary bat, the ball would rebound at 50 MPH.

Is it illegal to carry your bat around the bases? ›

Marazzi has consulted for MLB and about half its teams on the rulebook, which he might know better than anyone alive. He confirmed what we already knew: “There is no rule that prohibits a batter from carrying his bat around the bases.

What is the 7th inning mercy rule? ›

Another rule that separates the different levels of baseball is the mercy rule – which means that one team forfeits a game when the opposing team has a 10-run lead after seven innings. If the game is already scheduled for seven innings, the mercy rule applies in the fifth.

What is the 4th inning mercy rule? ›

If after four (4) innings [Intermediate (50/70) Division/Junior/Senior League: five innings], three and one-half innings [Intermediate (50/70) Division/Junior/Senior League: four and one-half innings] if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with the least runs ...

How many innings until mercy rule? ›

In a six-inning game such as Little League Baseball and Softball, rules call for the game to end if the winning team is ahead by 15 runs after three innings played or 10 runs after four innings played by the trailing team.

Is there a run rule in Legion baseball? ›

During the regular season, departments may allow senior and junior teams to play seven-inning games with a 10-run mercy rule after 5 innings of play or 4½ innings if the home team has the last at-bat. All national tournaments will follow rules established by The American Legion's National Americanism Commission.

What are the 4 virtues of sportsmanship? ›

The goal in sportsmanship is not simply to win, but to pursue victory with honor by giving one's best effort. Ethics in sport requires four key virtues: fairness, integrity, responsibility, and respect.

What is the motto of the American Legion? ›

The American Legion's motto is "Veterans Strengthening America."

Is there a 10 run rule in AAA baseball? ›

Mercy Rule: If a team is losing by 10 runs or more after completing their fourth half-inning at-bat, that team has the exclusive option of exercising the mercy rule and ending the game (not the other team or the umpire). Run Limits: There is a 5-run limit per half inning, except for the 6th inning, which is unlimited.

How does the 10 run rule work in high school baseball? ›

If after four (4) innings [Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division/Junior/Senior League: five innings), three and one-half innings [Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division/Junior/Senior League: four and one-half innings] if the home team is ahead, one team has a lead of ten (10) runs or more, the manager of the team with ...

Is there a 10 point rule in baseball? ›

Run rules can be applied in the seventh inning when one team leads by 10 or more runs. But it's not always applied, like in the College World Series in 2023, when Florida led LSU 15-3 after seven innings.

Is there a 10 run rule in d1 baseball? ›


The rule stipulates that the game shall be stopped after seven innings if one team is ahead by at least 10 runs run in accordance with NCAA playing rules."


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.