The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

Union-News Tuesday, May 14, 2002 D7. Legal Notices 0097 By its attorney, Jeffrey A. Rahn 95 State Street, Sutte 408 Springfield, MA 01103 le: 732-4305 (May 7, 14, 21) 19 A NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY Draft Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan with Draft Environ- Emental Assessment Massachusetts Army National Guard Bureau Action: Notice of the Availability of the Draft Environmental Assessment SEA) for the Implementation of the referenced ICRMP at all Massachu- setts Army National Guard facilitles in the state of Massachusetts. 1. The Massachusetts Army National Guard has prepared a Draft ICRMP and Draft EA.

Preparation of an ICRMP is required by Army Regula- tion 200-4 and Department of Detense Instruction 4715.3. In compliance with the National Environmental Pollcy Act of 1969 (NEPA), this ICRMP has an integrated EA that was prepared in accordance with NEPA and the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulation Parts 1500-1508). 2. The Draft 1CRMP and Draft EA documents provide a description of the facilities owned or leased by the Massachusetts Army National Guard (e.g., location, history, and mission), information regarding the on-site and adjacent cultural resource environment, and an assessment of the antlopated impacts to cultural resources as a result of mission activities for the time period through 2006. In summary, no significant Impacts are anticipated.

3. The Draft ICRMP and Draft EA are now available for public review. The documents can be reviewed at Springfield City Library. For more information, contact Dr Susan T. Goodfellow, Regional Cultural Resources Manager, at (508) 958-5141, during business hours (8 am 4 pm).

4. The public review period fot the Draft ICRMP and Draft EA will terminate no later than 15 days after the date of this publication. May 9, 2002 (May 14) NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE dy virtue and in execution of the Powher of Sale contained in a certain mort- page given by Brett Snowden and Jo Ann C. Snowden to The Money dated February 20, 1990 and recorded at the County Registry of Deeds Pat Book 7394, Page 048, of which the undersigned is the Poresent holder for breach of condirations of said mortgage and for the of foreclosing the same will sold at PUBLIC AUCTION at 12:30 on the 6th day of June, 2002, on the mortgaged premises. The entire Lmortgaged premises, all and singu-tar, the premises as described in said mortyage: 4The land in Springfield, Hampden a County, Massachusetts, being known and designated as Lot (TwentyOne) as shown on a plan of lots recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds.

Book 550, Page 601, said plan is now indexed as Book 550, Page 600, said lot being bound and described as tollows: I SOUTHERLY by Barton Street, fifty 150) feet; EASTERLY by Lot (Twenty), as shown on said plan, one hundred (100) feet; NORTHERLY by Lot (Fitteen), as shown on said plan, one hundred (100) feet; and WESTERLY by Lot (TwentyTwo), as shown on said plan, one hundred (100) feet. Subject to easem*nts rights granted Western Massachusetts Electric Company and New England Tele(8 graph Company as set forth in Instrument dated December 14, 1951 and recorded in said Registry of Deeds, 2152. Page 288. Being the same premises as conveyed to the Mortgagor(s) herein by deed of Ronald A. Richer and Elleen A.

Richer dated August 26, 1983 and recorded in the Hampden County Registry of Deeds on August 26, 1983 In Book 5489, Page 387. Subject to and with the benefit of easem*nts, reservation, restrictions, and taking of record, if any, insofar as the same are now In force and applicable. in the set event forth of any herein the typographical for in legal description of the premises, the description as set forth and contained in the mortgage shall control by reference. Tithis property has the address of 28 Barton Street, Springfleld, Massachusetts 01104, 10 now or hereafter erected on Together with ali the Improvements MA rights, the our property appurtenances, and all rents, easem*nts. royalties, gas rights and profits, water rights and stock and ati fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property.

al replacements and additions shall also be covered by this vs sale. TERMS OF SALE: Said premises wit be soid subject to any and all unpaid taxes assessments, tax sales, tax titles and municipal liens and water or sewer lens and State or County PARVE transfer fees, If any there are, and THOUSAND DOLLARS 10.00) in cashier's or certified check wi required to be paid by the at the time and place of the sale as a deposit and the balance in cashier's or certified check will be due in Doonan thirty (30) Graves, days, 16 at Front the Street, offices Salem, Massachusetts, time being of -n' the essence. or the Mortgagee reserves the right to postpone the sale to a later date by public proclamation at the time and date appointed for the sale and to further postpone at any adjourned 'sale-date by public proclamation at the time and date appointed for the adjourned sale date. The premises is to be sold subject 10 and with the benefit of all easem*nts, restrictions, leases, tenancies, and rights. of possession, building and 16 other zoning claim laws, in the nature of liens.

if encumbrances and all any there be. the event that the successful bidder at the foreclosure sale shall default in purchasing the within described property according to the terms of this Notice of Sale the terms of the Memorandum JIG Sale executed at the time of foreclosure, the Mortgagee reserves the right to sell the property by foreclosure deed to the second highest bidder, providing that said second highest bidder shall deposit with the Mortgagee's attorneys. DOONAN GRAVES, 16 Front Street, Salem, Massachusetts, the amount of the required deposit as set forth herein within three (3) business days after written notice of the defautt of the previous highest bidder and title shall be conveyed to the said highest bidder within twenty (20) days of sald written notice. 7 the second highest bidder declines to purchase the within described property, the Mortgagee reserves vie the right to purchase the within described property at the amount bid ari by the second highest bidder. The foreclosure deed and the bidder shall be held in escrow by consideration paid by the successful DOONAN GRAVES (herelnatter Galled the "Escrow Agent) until the amdeed shall successful be released bidder at from the escrow same viol time the as the Mortgagee, consideration thirty is (30) days released after the date of sale, whereupon of the Escrow Agent shall be deemed to have been property fulfilled and the Escrow Agent shall be discharged.

Other terms to be announced at the sale. Dated: April 23, 2002 Mat: teal NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Homeg Servicing Corporation, fka TMS Mortgage dba The Money Store By: John A. Doonan, DOONAN GRAVES 16 Front Street, Salem, MA 01970 (978) 741-2680 (May 14, 21, 28) of as follows: two hundred ten and (210.47) AY NORTHEASTERLY by Hillside By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Jerry L. Martin and Rebecca J. Martin to National Mortgage Corporation, a Colorado Corporation, dated August 7, 1996 and with the Hampden County of Deeds at Book 9583, Page of which mortgage Bank One toart tonal Association, as Trustee The First National Bank of Chicago as Trustee is the present holder, for ha breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreciosN ing, the same will be sold at Public 2L Auction at 4:00 p.m.

on May 22, 2002, on the mortgaged premises located at 248 Hillside Road Lot 46 Hiltduside Road, Southwick, Hampden Pr County, Massachusetts, all and singu-n far the premises described in said pr 'mortgage, to wT. or -( Certain real estate situated In Southwick, Hampden County, Massachusetts, being known and designated as Lot No. forty-six (46) as shown on a plan recorded in the Book Hampden County Registry of Deeds in of 1. Plans 286, Page 91; said lot being more particularly bounded and described at feet; A SOUTHEASTERLY by and land now Stephanie or for- J. sir merty of S.

on said plan, Criengelewski, as 300) shown feet; CO formerly SOUTHWESTERLY of Philip H. by and land Janice now or Alan as shown on said plan, two hundred thirteen and (213.77) feet; by land now or Legal Notices 0097 formerly of Frank J. Sperry as shown on said pian, three hundred (300) feet. CONTAINING according to sald plan. 62,648 square feet.

Reference is hereby made 10 Tracer's Error Affidavit of Wylie Hubbard, Land Surveyor, in dated October 17, 1994 as recorded the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 8972, Page 395. in regard to the postition of the North arrow on said aforementioned plan. For mortgagors' titie, see deed recorded with Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 9583, Page 582. made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: These premises will be sold and conveyed subject to and with the benefit of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easem*nts, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer lens and any other municipal assessments or liens or Isting encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easem*nts, improvements.

liens or encumbrances is publication. Other terms, If any, to be announced A deposit of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser at the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Harmon Law Offices, P.C., 150 California Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, or by mail to P.O. Box 610389, Newton Highlands, Massachusetts 02461-0389, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided 10 purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price.

The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control in the event of an error in this at the saie. BANK ONE, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO AS TRUSTEE Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C Anne Bergstrom, Esquire 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 (April 30; May 7,14) NOTICE A MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE I made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Tara M. Hykel to Eastem Mortgage Services, dated October 27, 1997 and recorded with the Hampden County Registry of Deeds at Book 10044, Page 11, of which mortgage Chase Manhattan Mortgage Corporation is the present holder by assignment, for breach of the conditions of said mongage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 1:00 p.m. on May 22, 2002, on the mortgaged premises located at 107 Maplewood Terrace, Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, TO WIT: Certain real estate situated in Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, bounded and described as tollows: Beginning at the Intersection of the easterly line of Washington Road (formerly called Jackson Street) with the southerly line of Maplewood Terrace, and running thence EASTERLY: on Maplewood Terrace, seventy -five (75) feet to a point; thence SOUTHERLY: at right angles with said Maplewood Terrace one hundred thirty three (133) feet; thence WESTERLY: parallel with said Maplewood Terrace seventy-five (75) feet to said Washington Road; thence NORTHERLY: on Washington Road.

one hundred thirty-three (133) feet to the place of beginning. For mortgagor's title see deed recorded with Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 10044, Page 7. These premises will be sold and conveyed subiect to and with the beneflt of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, easem*nts, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, hav. ing priority over said mortgage. whether or not reference to such restrictions, easem*nts.

improvements, liens or encumbrances is A deposit of Five ($5,000.00) Dollars by bank check will be required by the purchaser at the place of sale. The balance paid by certified or bank Harmon Law Offices, P.C, nia Street, Newton, 02458, or by mail to P.O, Newton Highlands, 02461-0389, within thirty from the date of sale. provided to purchaser for upon receipt in fut of the price. The description of Ises contained in saio control in the event of an publication. Other terms, If any, to be at the sale.

CHASE MANHATTAN Thousand certified or to be paid time and is to be check at 150 CaffforMassachusetts Box 610389, Massachusetts (30) days Deed will be recording purchase the premmortgage shall error in this Legal Notices 0097 The fence will exceed six (6) feet in height. According to the Holyoke Zoning Ordinance, Section 4.6.2. Fences- Height, fences in front yards shall not exceed four (4') feet In height. Fences in side yards shall not exceed six (6') feet in height. The height of fences in rear yards shall not exceed six (6') feet.

On the plan submitted, the proposed fence is shown as an eight (8) foot fence. The property is zoned R-1A Plans are avallable for public inspection in the office during Office Hours 9:00 P.M. BOARD OF APPEALS James Grady, Member Catherine Lyons, Member Deborah Ferriter, Member John Pierce, Associate Member (May 14, ANNOUNCEMENTS 1000:1190 Personals 1000 IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM with mortg. Foreclosure, Automobile Repossession, Creditor Harassment Including IRS, DOR taxes or Excise taxes, I can help.Atty. Lafayette, 29 yrs.

exp. w. 9ankruptcy AMeratives. 796-1270 or 1-800-447-7570 Lost and Found 1030 FOUND: Female Dog, small Huskie Sheperd mixed, around 2 years old. Very triendly, on Prospect Street, Chicopee, Saturday, May 4th.

LOST yellow 'white co*ckatiel vic. Wilbraham Mountain. Sadly missed. Reward. Call (413)596-8448 LOST: Dk.

gray male cat tail, Has shots. Vic. White St. For, Pk. Reward.

Call (413)747-9947 LOST Piknese dog 1 yr. old. name is Calana on Fri. Vic. of Bay State Rd.

Cream white. 250-6477 AUTOMOBILES 1300 1650 DEAN AUTO SALES 697 UNION ST. W. SPRINGAELD (413)733-712 Recreational Vehicles 1320 17tt Skyline Camper, sips 6, good condition, $1950. (413)543-4931 2002 Aero Popup camper, new rever used, Model 1205, asking $7500.

Call 4 DAY EXTREME SALE EXTREME DISCOUNTS on every new and pre-enjoyed RV on our dual 5 acre lots this weekend! More people are choosing to travel and vacation by RV and our 43 year history and buying power means we can make special purchases from all the famous name manufacturers. This weekend only, May 17, 18, 19 20, we will siasn our everyday low prices like never before possible! Long RV SuperStores, i-91, exit 21, Northampton, MA and I-91 exit Windsor Locks. CT. We need used inventory, maximum trade allowances will be made! Bring your trade, title of payment be ready to own the new RV you've always wanted! '96 Holiday Rarnbior 321t Trailer 'slideout, sips B. exc.

cond. $17.000 Call (413)589-9320 '99 Jayco Eagle 12 Pop-up Camper sips 2-dinettes, ends, awn hse xtras $5995. 736-6896 Crowley Winnebago New Used RV's Bristol, CT 800-779-3083 DIAMOND RV CENTER Sales Service 91 N. 22 Hatfield 1-888-RV4-LESS open 7 days WINNEBAGO 96 ADVENTURER, 34ft. out, many extras.

39K mi. Exc. cond. $42,500. (413)527-8177 Auto, Truck Service and Parts 1330 1999 up short bed black hard top tonneau cover.

Like new! $450 Call: (413)783-6450 66 Sunroof Bug. parts only, no title, $500. Call (413)567-8817 '72 DODGE CHALLENGER 360, 375hp, AT. Compi restored Show car. $11,500.

Call (860) 569-6019 '89 Ford Escort, many new parts. tires, clutch, 5250 Best Offer. For parts or restoration. Call 783-6304 89 Ford F250, for parts. Call (413)583-5734 CHEVY TRUCK PARTS new used.

Axles, transfer cases, body parts, part. rest. short bed. (413)562-7581 radiator and tire, good body. $300.

DODGE '90 CARAVAN Needs Call (413)788-6625 ENGINES GAA Goodwrench new remanuf. replacement engines for GM cars and trucks. Over 100 In stock. 3Yr 50,000 mi. warr.

New 350's as low as $1.475. Now open Thursday's until 8pm. Central Chevrolet 781-1410 Olds-84-Cutlass. AC no rust on frame. Nice interior, great deal, needs work.

$800. Call 533-2405. Motorcycles and Mopeds 1460 ALWAYS BUYING SELLING used bikes. Give us a call. Valley Motorsports, Rte 5, Northampton.

1-800-649-9965 At Mutual Enterprises, inc. OVER 40 USED BIKES IN STOCK Buy BMW 1985 k100, Runs perfect, great shape. Orange. Tank bag. Low miles.

Call 567-1227. Harley Davidson, '02 Heritage, softtail classic. Dk blue. Almost brand new. 2100mi's.

Fully loaded ext. warranty. $19,500 Call 567-5605. HARLEY DAVIDSON 1998 Road King, black, windshield, backrest, hrd hr bags. 4900mi, exc cond.

Interesting trades considered. $16.395 b.o. Must sell: (413)733-8486 or 531-1908 Harley Davidson '92 FLHS 12K $11,000. Call (413)267-5352 H.D. '2002 low rider, 150 miles, loaded with extras.

$18,900. Call days 413-268- 3635 or eves. 413-584-1253 Honda '83 750 Magna, water cool, runs good, nice bike, it has extras. $1300 Call 323-7111. Kawaski'88 Ninja 600R, only 14k mi.

owner. Asking $2300. Call after 6 pm 413-739-8366 SUZUKI 95 INTRUDER 1400, custom exhaust $4200 08.0. Call aft. 5pm, (413)267-3836 Suzuki 97 Marauder 800cc.

9Kmiles, new metziers, asking $4100. Call 1860)623-2547 YAMAHA 2000 BIG BEAR 400, 4X4, low hrs. 53900 or Best Offer. Call (413)569-6813 or 860-212-4423 Yamaha 2000 YZF 600R, slipon, under 9Kmi, pertect cond, runs great, $6000. 782-8110 Yamaha Virago.

Low miles, Good condition. 5150C. Cali 413-519-1355 Auto Information 1500 SS EARN EXTRA MONEY SS DELIVER THE NEW VERIZON TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES Men and women 18 and older with insured vehicles are needed to deliver in Pittsfield, and surrounding areas. We are also looking for Office Clerks Loaders. Delivery starts about May 23rd.

Work a minimum of 4 daylight hours per day. Get paid within 24 hours upon successful completion of your route. Call 1-800-979-7978 between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. Refer to Job EOE Part-time Route Coordinator The Republican is looking for a highly motivated individual, with good organizational and interpersonal skills to join its team. This position entails a variety of responsibilities both in the office and in the field, including recruiting, contracting and training new alternate delivery carriers.

This is a part-time position of hours, through Friday, with seine Saturdays required. Applicants must be 18 years or older and have a reliable vehicle. We offer: Regular increases after 3 months Cell phone during work hours Mileage reimbursem*nt Other fine benefits Interested candidates please apply in person Monday-Friday, 10AM to 3PM. Human Resources Department Republican 1860 Main Street Springfield, MA 01101 No phone calls, Inion -News. please.

EOE Smday Republican. Automobiles for Sale 1600 Auto Information 1500 ss We pay CASH for cars Used cars $1399 up. Fast free removals of unwanted autos. (413)783-3021 Automobiles for Sale 1600 Buick '92 Pk. Ave, V6, 3.8L, thr, loaded.

Good cond. Very clean. Asking $3795. 413-467-3467 in the PM BUICK '97 Regal GS, Leather, HM 4DR $5995; (413)569-2060 BUY POLICE IMPOUNDS! Cars from $500, Chevys, Fords, etc. Call Bargain For Listings 1-800-319-3323 ext.

3154 CAD '92 ELDORADO. Must sell. Good condition. Sunroof, $4.000 or B.O. Call Wayne, 592-8031 Cad 94 Seville SLS, black, Cad 96 Seville STS, loaded Cad 98 De Ville triple bik Trades Accepted 733-7769 CADILLAC'78 2 DOOR, Brownish color.

Hasn't been used for 20 years. $9,000. Call 583-3367 Cadilac '99 De Ville leather alloys very clean 57K trades excepted. $18,900. Call (413)732-9982 Chev 78 Corvette, Silver 350 AT, alloy whis, glass top, PS, PW, gd cond, ali orig, (413)253-3132 Crev 88 Cavalier low mi, just past inspection.

$150080 or will trade for PU truck of equal value (413)533-2566 CHEVY 1984 Caprice Sedan, gray, exc cond! 4 new tires. Ask $2500. To view betw 5-6 pm call (413)567-0144 '01 PT Cruiser Call FREE Recorded for more Chrysler Convertible '99 Call FREE Recorded Message 868-340-2748 for more into TOPOR CLASSIC AUTO SALES 143 Meadow Street Westfield, MA 413-568-9993 Lincoln 95 Twn Car Signature $5495 92 Twn Car Executive $3995 96Diamante 4 dr $5995 Jeep 94 Cherokee 4x4 at 5sp $4995 95 Legacy $2995 94 Silverado 4x4 $6995 Oids 94 Cutlass Supreme 2 $3995 93 Expi Eddie Bauer 4wd $5500 Ford 97 Contour 4 dr, at, $3495 91 Accord LX $2995 96 Passport 4dr 4WD $6995 Many more varieties avallable! FORD 1992 MUSTANG GT 5.0 ac, pw, PL, emrid grn, new exhst, runs new. looks great! 575-8282 Ford 91 Mustang, red, auto, good cond, low mi, $1300. (413)348-0562 UNCOLN CONT '89 Signature series, low excel $4200; 413-788-0663 MERCURY 91 Grand Marquis, 119K mi, runs tires AC, looks nice.

Call 782-0795 MERCURY 96 MYSTIQUE LS V6, 5 spd, loaded, low mi. 4 new tires. Doth inter. Pacific grn $6200 783-9448 eves MERCURY 96 SABLE GS loaded, 69k, Exceptional On $4495; (413)569-2060 Plymouth 98 Neon Expresso, 4 dr, AT, AC, 59K, runs new, Call (413)785-1725. Pontiac '91 Firebird Formula 5 liter.

AC. new tires, Call (413)567- 4757 or 218-8194 PONTIAC'98 sunfire 5spd. AC. 49K, runs great 54495; (413)569-2060 PONTIAC '99 GRAND AM GT V6 AT Loaded Power Sunroof 22K One Owner Miles Mint MANY MORE GM CARS AT: Your GM Connection KEN'S AUTO SALES 921 Main Imported Autos 1630 BMW 98 740iL, mint, fully loaded. silver gray Ithr intr, $28,500 days 732-5186, eves 533-6062 HONDA '00 CIVIC EX, Loaded.

35 Cust. tires. 8 new exc cond. $15,500 737-0066 HONDA 1992 Accord, maroon, 5spd, AC, 176K mi, decent call Brian at 413-896-1275 and leave message Honda 87 Accord LX std lots of new parts, best offer. 543-1339 Honda '99 Accord EX 4dr Sedan 5spd low miles only $13,500.

567-7964 Honda's from $500! Police Impounds Call Bargain For Listings 1-800-719-3001 ext. 2790 JAGUAR 86 Vanden Plas, 4Dr, sunroof, leather, runs great. $1995. Cali (413)732-3570 KIA SEPHIA 98 Must sell! 34K mi, 4cyl, 5spd. Runs 8 drives like new.

$4250. Call (413)478-6359. 531-3886 MERCEDES 87 CONVERTIBLE 560SL, Red. 50Kmi. No winter use.

$16,900. Call 413-567-0939 or 413-374-2828 Mercedes Benz '99 1 Call FREE Recorded Message 888-494 7857 for more info TOPOR Nissan '00 Maxima GLE, wi'maridan package. 25,700 miles, excellent condition. $20,500. Call (413) 567-4622.

NISSAN 1989 SENTRA 4 DR, runs good! Neeas work. 94 mi. Sold as is. 5500 O.B.O. (413)736-1578 NISSAN 1993 240 SX, 79,000 mi, very well excel cond.

$4000. Call (413)532-7773 PORSCHE 968 1994, white Cabriolet, 83K mi AT. Hard 10 find car Ask. $24,000. (413)587-6595 days, 413-253-7941 eves.

SAAB 90 Truly an exceptional Service records avail $2495; (413)567-2060 Subaru '92 Loyale Wgn, 4WD, 5spd. 129k. Runs great. Good cond. Asking $2500.

Call 589-1695 Employment Center for Western New England Newspaper Carrier Opportunities Youth and adults (9 years and up). Independent contract distributors have openings for newspaper carriers to deliver the Union- Sunday Republican. AMHERST Sunday Republican. Earn great money. Call Ben at 413-533-4161 EAST LONGMEADOW Sunday Republican motor routes available.

Earn $60 to $100 a week. Also looking for subs to cover routes occasionally. Call 594-8069 (lv message) GREENFIELD Sunday Republican. Earn great money. Call Ben 413-533-4161 LUDLOW Sunday carrier wanted.

Call 589-9112 PALMER Carrier wanted to start in June for delivery of the Sunday Republican. Must have a car. Call Amy 596-6859 SOUTH HADLEY Sunday Republican route available. Call Jason for immediate consideration 536-4791 SPRINGFIELD Boston Road (01119 zip code area). Looking for responsible junior carriers with interested parents to deliver the Sunday Republican.

Routes available on the following streets: Brandon, Elmore, Philips, Lloyd Avenues, Methuen, Wallace and Glenwood Streets. Must have reliable transportation. Routes available to start this month. Call 782-2871 (leave name, address phone number) East Forest Park Sunday carrier wanted for Plumtree Road Island Pond area. Call 789-2684 (lv message) Independent Contractors Adult independent contractors wanted to deliver the Union-News Extra.

NO COLLECTIONS! BONUS EARNINGS! Must have reliable vehicle. AGAWAM Good paying routes available in most areas. Call Carol 413-543-2425. CHICOPEE Great walking and driving routes. Call Carl 413-543-2425.

EASTHAMPTON Pleasant, Cottage and Union Streets (downtown). Loudville Pomeroy Meadow Rd. and West St. Call Richard 413-527-7125. FLORENCE North Farms High St.

and Pine St. areas. Many delivery options available with Big on Wed. and Thurs. and the EXTRA on Fri.

and Sat. Call 413-527-7125. SPRINGFIELD 01104: Page Ardmore Monrovia Carew Roy Newbury Redlands St. and St. James Ave.

Call Kevin 413-543-2425. 01108: Dickinson Dorset Whie St. areas. 01118: Sumner Harkness Gifford St. areas.

Call Pat 413-543-2425. WEST SPRINGFIELD Good paying routes available in most areas. Call Carol 413-543-2425. Help Wanted 3200 Administrative Assistant Prominent Springfield law firm seeks full-time, professional administrative assistant for Executive Director. Position involves variety of work in the areas of administration, personnel, and office technology.

Applicant must have excellent interpersonal and communication skills; be organized, detail-oriented and energetic; flexible; able to learn quickly and wear many hats. Knowledge of Windows 95:98, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher and Excel very heipful. Please send your resume in confidence with cover letter indicating the position applied for to: Personnel Department Bacon Wilson, P.C. Anorneys at Law 33 State Street Springfield, MA 01103 Fax (413) 739-7740 Email: An Equal Opportunity Empioyer 4 AD REPLY INFORMATION To Answer an AD REPLY NUMBER: Address envelope and mail to: AD REPLY (the number) Union-News P.O. Box 3068 fo.

Springfield, Mass. 01102 If you wish to protect your identity when answering an AD REPLY NUMBER, you may enclose your reply in an envelope addressed, to the Classified Advertising Manager (at the above address) together with a memo the companies you DO NOT want to see your letter. If the advertiser is one you have mentioned, your reply will be destroyed. To Obtain an AD REPLY NUMBER: Inform your SALES REPRESENTATIVE when placing your advertisem*nt that you want an AD REPLY NUMBER The Union-News WILL NOT disclose the identity of any Classified Advertiser using an AD REPLY NUMBER Circulation Service Assistant Exciting part time position (29 hrs. per week) assisting Circulation Zone Supervisors in operation of field zone offices.

Position involves general office work, and delivery of products. Candidate must have reliable vehicle, valid driver's license, and be able to work flexible hours. We offer: Regular increases after 3 months Optional health insurance package 401K Plan And Interested candidates please apply in person Monday-Friday, 10AM to 3PM. Human Resources Department Republican 1860 Main Street Springfield, MA 01101 No phone calls, Union News. please.

FOE Sunday Republican. Part-time Route Assistant The Republican is looking for a highly motivated individual, with good communication and interpersonal skills to join its team. This position entails a variety of responsibilities both in the office and. in the field. This is a part-time Wed, Fri.

and Sat. position, 29 hours per week. Applicants must be 18 years or older and have a reliable vehicle. 2 We offer: Cell phone during work hours Mileage reimbursem*nt Other fine benefits Interested candidates please apply in person Monday- Friday, 10AM to 3PM. Human Resources Department Republican 1860 Main Street Springfield, MA 01101 No phone calls, Union -News.

please. EDE Sunday Republican. mi. Part-Time Customer Service Representative We have openings for people who can type 40 wpm and possess good customer service skills. You must have a polished telephone manner 1 and enjoy working with the public.

If you qualify and are able to work Saturday 5:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. and Sunday 5:15 a.m.-11:15 a.m. We offer: Regular increases after 3 months Paid time off Employee Assistance Program Apply in person-NO PHONE CALLS Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Republican 1860 Main Street Springfield, MA 01103 No phone calls, Inion-News.

please. EOE Sunday Republitan. Sport Utility Vehicles 1690 Imported Autos 1630 SUBARU 97 Legacy Wagon, AWD, ABS, AT, sunroof, very good cond. 114 mi, $6800. Call (413) 478-4310 SUBARU FORESTER 99 off lease, 30Kmi.

fact. AT, full pwr, exc. cond. $13,600. (413)258-7995 TOYOTA'97 Camary 4dr 52k, AC runs: Iks like new $9995; (413)569-2060 Toyota 99 Corolla 21K, ac, electric win dows, ps, pb, cruise, tape, $9495 543-1315 Wanted Autos 1650 FREE PICKUP UNWANTED CARS TRUCKS Call (413)543-3247 TRUCKS 1800 Pickups and Vans 1670 CHEVY 1995 Conversion Van, runs new; loaded! Good condition.

$3800 b.o. (413)733-8486 or 531-1908. announced MORTGAGE CORPORATION Present holder of said mortgage By its Attorneys, HARMON LAW OFFICES, P.C. Andrea S. Youman, Esquire 150 California Street Newton, MA 02458 (617) 558-0500 (April 30; May 7, 14) NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Yester Bernal 10 Mortgage Corporation dated November 17, 1995 and recorded with the Hampden County Registry of Deeds at Book 9312, Page 234, of which mortgage Mortgage Corporation is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing, the same will be sold at Public Auction at 11:00 A.M.

on June 11, 2002, on the mortgag. ed premises located at 23-25 Bartlett Street, Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, all and singular the premises described in sald mortgage. TO WIT: The land In Springfield. Hampden County, Massachusetts, together with the buildings thereon bounded and described as follows: A certain piece or parcel of land with the buildings thereon situated on Bartlett Avenue, in sald Springfield and being known as number 20, as shown on the plan of lots recorded in Hampden county Registry of Deeds, Book of plans number 2, Page 133, and further described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly comer of land to be conveyed at lot number 19. on said plan on the Northerly side of Bartlett Avenue; thence running Northerly by said lot number 19, one hundred and five (105) feet; thence Westerly at right angles forty-seven and eight tenths (47.8) feet to lot number 21, as shown on said plan; thence Southerly by said lot number 21, one hundred and fourteen and (114.39) feet to Bartlett Avnue; and thence Easterly on Bartlett Avenue, fifty-two and (52.39) feet to the place of beginning.

Subject to certain restrictions if still in force and applicable. For mortgagor's(s') title, see deed recorded with Hampden County Registry of Deeds with the beneflt of all rights, rights of way, restrictions, eastments, right of ways, covenants, liens or claims in the nature of liens, improvements, public assessments, any and all unpaid taxes, tax titles, tax liens, water and sewer liens and any other municipal assessments or liens or existing encumbrances of record which are in force and are applicable, having priority over said mortgage, whether or not reference to such restrictions, easem*nts, Improvements liens or encumbrances is made in the deed. TERMS OF SALE: A DEPOSIT OF AVE THOUSAND ($5,000.00) by certified or bank check will be required to be paid by the purchaser al the time and place of sale. The balance is to be paid by certified or bank check at Ablitt, Caruolo DePasquale, LIP, 333 North Avenue, 4th Floor, Wakefield, MA 01880, within thirty (30) days from the date of sale. Deed will be provided to purchaser for recording upon receipt in full of the purchase price.

The description of the premises contained in said mortgage shall control In the event of an error in this publication. OTHER TERMS, IF ANY, TO BE ANNOUNCED AT THE SALE Mortgage Corporation Present holder of said mortgage, By its Attorneys Steven A. Ablitt, Ablitt, Carvoio DePasquale, LIP 333 North Avenue. 4th Floor Wakefield, MA 01880 (781) 246-8995 Dated: April 24, 2002 (May 14, 21, 28) PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE aTY OF HOLYOKE BOARD OF APPEALS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Appeals 403, will Conference hold a public Room, hearing Fourth in Room Floor, City Hall Annex Holyoke, MA on Wednesday Evening, May 29, 2002 at 7:30 PM to hear the petition of Wireless PCS, LLC, 400 Blue Hilt Drive, Westwood, MA 02090 requestIng a dimensional variance from the height requirement of Holyoke Zoning Ordinance, Section: 4.6 2. The petitioner 15 requesting a variance from Holyoke Zoning Ordinance, Section 46.2 to allow 8 fence to provide security and screening for a wireless communication monopole.

CHEVY 93 G-20, spt. van. Beauville 305 V-8, 8 pas seat. Frt rear AC. Tring.

pkg. $5500. (860) 653-5783 CODGE 1988 plow, rebuilt engine trani. New paint. $4100 bo Call: (413)789-2203 DODGE 2000 DAKOTA 2 dr, Sport, standard cab, white.

14,100 mi. Excellent cond. $8300 567-6651 Dodge-97-Caravan, Sport.AT,AC, CC, pwr win, drs. Mag whis, rf rk etc. 7 pass Per.

cond $7500 or BO. Days413-534-8611, cell 413-626-7721. Ford 2002 F350 XLT 4x4 off road pkg, under 7Kmiles, 5.4 engine, loaded, $28,500 80. Call for details 589-7164 GMC 95 SAFARI VAN, 8 pass, V6, AWD, full pwr. $5995.

(413)788-3700 GMC 99 SIERRA SLE 1500, 57Kmi, white, bedliner, Lumbar seats, 5spd, exc. work truck. 1413)967-4469 Sport Utility Vehicles 1690 Chevy '95 S10 Blazer V6 4x4 loaded 75K AT. PW, PB, leather, exc. alarm $8500 Call (413)737-9193 CHEVY 95 SUBURBAN LS, 8pass, loaded, dk blue, 1 owner, 169K hwy mi.

Exc. cond. Bive book $11,925. Ask. (413)367-2061 Ford '96 Bronco Eddie Bauer, loaded, 123K, V8, great condition, Call Rick at (413) 552-0122, leave message.

Jeep 90 Wrangler Sahara, 6cyl, at, very nice, $4000 BO. 525-3754 EMPLOYMENT 3200 3400 Help Wanted 3200 ACCOUNTANT Fast growing, well establ. local CPA firm seeks qualified, responsible individuals 3 yrs. recent public accounting focusing in auditing taxation. We are a growing firm that believes in balancing quality of life professional career.

As such, we offer a very attractive compensation pkg. incl. proth sharing, 401K, other fringe benelits as well as exc. advancement potential. If you're seeking a positive change in your career please respond in confidence to: Mr.

Nicholas LaPler, CPA, Downey, Sweeney, Fitzgerald Co. P.C., 11 Hampden St. Springfield, Ma 01103 ACCOUNTANT Fut-time opportunity for a staff accountant in a busy Northampton CPA firm. Diverse clientele. Audit, review, compilation, tax and consulting engagements.

Relaxed and enjoyable working environment. Competitive salary and benefits. Bachelors degree in accounting and one year or more of public accounting experience preferred Send resume attn: F. Teixeira at Romano, Pasucci P.C., 78 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 or e-mail Accountant Local CPA firm seeks per dem accountant with min. 3 yrs.

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exper. Full cycle A.P. Ideal candidate must be multi task oriented, possess professional telephone etiquette, and word perfect skills. Hours are Please fax resume to Edaron Holyoke, 533-0758 in Help Wanted 3200 Help Wanted 3200 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIST PT Bookkeeper needed for busy Mechanical Contractor In Spfld area. Admin.

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In addition to reception, phone, meeting coordination other general office management tasks. position is responsible for marketing coordination, membership drive support event management. 32 hours benefited position Complete position description available at: /sharedoa.html. E-mail cover letter resume (MS Word) to: Airbush Artist Needed At Six Flags, Airbush Shirt Store. Weekend Spring Fall.

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Earn supplemental or a career level income. Visit: 4. 2 cO I'.

The Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.